Hello! exactly how was your Tuesday?! This publish is very random, so I’m taking a cue from my preferred hungry Runner woman as well as calling them tangents (instead of unsettling thoughts from the brain of a crazy person).
First, lunch – to even more show I am not above putting anything as well as whatever in a salad, I present… Enchilada Salad!
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What I eat In A Day – runner edition
And a bit dessert – ww tortilla with PB & chocolate chips
Then, I headed to a satisfying at work. We have one one-on-one meetings with our manager as well as one group satisfying each month. Our supervisor always brings snacks for the group meeting, typically it’s fun Trader Joe’s goodies
I grabbed a “this strawberry walking into a bar…”
And I shoved this in my t-shirt for later.
I tried to be as effective as possible the rest of the afternoon, however didn’t achieve whatever on my list. There’s always tomorrow.
Until you die.
And then you’re dead as well as you’re pissed at yourself for fretting about a “To Do” listing on your last day on Earth.
Since I understood I’d be indulging I walked to work for my evening appointments. The weather condition was ideal as well as I was fine in a sweatshirt. pleased February to me!!
There were even much more snacks in the office as well as I filled up a bit cup of granola because it’s my favorite.
But granola nutrition stats are NOT my favorite. however I ate it as well as told me co-worker, “Don’t judge, it’s Fat Tuesday!”
She said, “You make my heart laugh.” That’s the nicest thing anyone’s told me in a long time.
I did a few full body moves after my clients as well as then headed back house through my Chevro-legs. I made 3 pit stops on the way, they were fun stops
Dinner was roasted broccoli, couscous as well as chicken. All prepared before going into work so I wouldn’t have to begin cooking at 8pm.
The three stops were a part of my Mardi Gras Party!
First, the cupcake shop for a German chocolate cupcake for Ben. I had a bite as well as believed the cake as well as frosting was delicious, however I’m not a fan of the filling (I dislike German cake frosting).
Ben liked it, however states the Oreo stuffed cupcake is still his favorite.
Stop #2 was Yogurtland. I tried to state conventional on my fro-yo picks. You know, after sampling each flavor 5 times…
See you after Easter, lover.
Stop #3 was for an organization tool. I’ll share tomorrow
Final Tangent of the night = Last Year’s Fat Tuesday was the day vegas brought a large lizard in the house!
Ben caught it as well as we ate good friend zucchini
Winner of the Quoran vegan burger giveaway – Lindsay: love.lindsaydoll
Email me your info.
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